Why should I use an independent consultant?
Applying to college can be tricky. Applying to colleges and universities that are the best fit for you can be even harder. An independent consultant uses an extensive and skilled insight to the application and admissions process to provide personalized consulting. With the national student-to-counselor ratio being at 400:1, independent consultants provide personalized and specialized attention to ease the stress of students and parents.
We don't live in Bloomington, Indiana. Can you still help us?
Yes! Thanks to the advancements of technology, EWR can work with students all over the world. In order to create a closer bond with clients, we utilize Skype for face-to-face meetings. We also use email and phone calls to stay in touch with our clients.
Do you only work with the highest achieving students?
No. EWR works with students from all academic backgrounds. Everyone is not a star student, nor does every student want to attend an Iyv-League institution. We work with all students to help them find institutions where they will thrive. Another common misconception about using an independent consultant is that it is only a service for the wealthy. A variety of people from different economic backgrounds use EWR.
When do you schedule appointments?
Appointments are scheduled during times that best fit the client's schedule. Usually, appointments are held on weekday evenings, or the weekend.
Do you have a large case load?
No. EWR serves a small case load to ensure a personalized and holistic consulting experience.